Kalyan: There have been rumors going around lately about the cancellation of something called a 'Conveyance Deed' in Maharashtra. Some people have been saying that this means if you own property, your ownership will automatically be confirmed and recorded on property cards. However, legal experts and authorities are saying that this isn't true.
A reader from Mumbai asked for clarification because there has been a lot of confusion and talk about it among friends. A legal expert named Adv Rohit Erande explained that it's important to be careful about believing everything you hear, especially when it comes to legal matters.
The idea that cancelling the 'Conveyance Deed' means automatic ownership confirmation through property cards has been dismissed as just a rumour. It's important to understand that ownership rights aren't determined just by property cards or messages, but by legal processes and paperwork.
In simple terms, 'conveyance' means transferring ownership rights, usually when you buy or sell property. For housing societies, it's the responsibility of the builder or promoter to transfer ownership of the land and buildings to the society. But in places like Pune, this isn't always done, so there are laws to help societies get ownership rights.
For apartments, there's something called a 'Deed of Declaration' that outlines ownership rights and rules. Each apartment owner has full ownership rights, and these rights are confirmed through apartment deeds. If the builder doesn't do this, there are rules in place to help apartment owners get ownership rights.
If you're dealing with property, it's important to get advice from legal experts to make sure everything is done correctly and you don't run into any problems.
In short, it's best to be careful about believing rumours and to seek advice from reliable sources when it comes to real estate matters.