Pune: In a significant development, the Maharashtra State Examination Council has announced that the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) will now be conducted in offline mode. This decision comes after the state government's approval, and the exam schedule is expected to be announced shortly.
The TET exam, a prerequisite for individuals aspiring to become teachers, is conducted by the State Examination Council. Given the complexities involved in conducting exams in various mediums such as Marathi, English, and Urdu through computer-based methods, the Examination Council proposed conducting the TET exam offline. This proposal has been sanctioned by the state government, providing candidates with the option to appear for the exam in its traditional written format.
Commissioner of the State Examination Council, Anuradha Oak, affirmed that the schedule for the offline mode exam will be disclosed soon.
The decision to transition to offline exams is expected to alleviate technical challenges and ensure a smoother examination process for candidates across different mediums.
In related news, the state government has announced plans to recruit 30 thousand teaching positions. The recruitment process has already commenced, with 11 thousand posts filled in the initial phase. The remaining vacancies will be filled in subsequent phases. With the TET exam anticipated to be held twice a year, prospective teachers are eagerly awaiting the announcement of exam dates.
For further updates and announcements regarding the TET exam schedule, candidates are advised to stay tuned to official notifications from the Maharashtra State Examination Council.