Rana, accompanied by five other Congress MLAs who were disqualified for abstaining from voting in the Rajya Sabha polls, accused Sukhu of distorting facts. He vehemently denied claims by Sukhu that Public Works Department Minister Vikramaditya Singh had been sent to negotiate with the rebel MLAs, asserting that Singh had not been instructed by the chief minister and had his own grievances against the government.
The political turmoil intensified further during the Himachal Pradesh cabinet meeting on Saturday, with ministers Jagat Negi and Rohit Thakur reportedly storming out midway amid heated debates over policy decisions.
The recent crisis in the Himachal Pradesh Congress was triggered by the unexpected victory of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the state's lone Rajya Sabha seat. Despite being in the minority, the BJP secured the seat with the support of six Congress MLAs and three independents, dealing a significant blow to the ruling Congress.
In light of these developments, Rana's assertions signal a deepening crisis for the Sukhu-led government. He warned that more MLAs could defect, spelling trouble for the Congress administration. Rana's remarks come amidst growing discontent within the party, with allegations of suffocating governance and humiliation of elected representatives.
As tensions escalate within the Himachal Pradesh Congress, the political landscape remains uncertain. The fate of the Sukhu government hangs in the balance, with the specter of further defections casting a shadow over its stability.