New Delhi: The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led Centre of resorting to intimidation tactics by allegedly planning to arrest Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal within the next 2-3 days. This accusation comes amidst reports of an imminent alliance between AAP and the Congress for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls.
Delhi cabinet minister Saurabh Bharadwaj, addressing a press conference, claimed that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is being deployed by the Centre to target Kejriwal in response to the AAP-Congress alliance talks. He alleged that the CBI is preparing to serve Kejriwal a notice, signaling his imminent arrest.
"We have learnt from reliable sources that the CBI is planning to arrest Kejriwal. The CBI will also serve a notice to Kejriwal either this afternoon or by evening," Bharadwaj asserted.
The AAP further contends that the BJP's apprehension over the potential alliance has led to this move, as indicated by messages received by the party suggesting Kejriwal's arrest if such an alliance materializes. AAP Rajya Sabha MP Sandeep Pathak warned of street protests if Kejriwal is indeed arrested, asserting that the BJP's political calculations would backfire.
"There will be a tsunami (of people). Their (BJP) political calculations will go wrong. We are not scared of being arrested. We are forging this alliance for the country," Pathak stated.
The BJP and the Central Bureau of Investigation have not yet responded to these allegations. However, the AAP's claims have escalated tensions between the two parties, raising concerns about the politicization of law enforcement agencies in the run-up to the elections.