Mumbai: Former Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Manohar Joshi, breathed his last today (February 23rd) at the age of 86. He succumbed to a heart attack while undergoing treatment at Hinduja Hospital in Mumbai. Joshi was admitted to the hospital on Thursday night after feeling unwell and passed away in the ICU.
Joshi was a key figure in Maharashtra politics, known for his close association with the state's first non-Congress Chief Minister, Balasaheb Thackeray. Over the years, Joshi held several significant positions, including Mayor of Mumbai in 1976, Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Assembly, and Chief Minister of the state from March 1995 to January 1999. He also served in the Vajpayee government at the Center as the Minister for Heavy Industries from October 1999 to May 2002 and later as the Speaker of the Lok Sabha from May 2002 to August 2004.
Joshi's political journey faced turmoil when he resigned as Chief Minister following allegations of favoritism towards his son-in-law in a land deal. This incident stirred considerable controversy and discussion in the political circles.
In recent years, Joshi faced criticism from within his own party, particularly from Shiv Sena supporters, following remarks he made about the memorial of Balasaheb Thackeray, who passed away in November 2012.
The news of Joshi's demise has saddened many in the political fraternity and among the public. His last rites will be performed at the Dadar crematorium later this Friday afternoon.