Navi Mumbai: Maharashtra bids farewell to one of its most flamboyant personalities as Pandharinath Phadke, popularly known as 'Goldman,' passed away today. The 21st of February marked the end of an era for bullock cart racing enthusiasts across the state as Phadke breathed his last due to a heart attack in Vihighar, Panvel.
Phadke, renowned for his love for bullock cart racing and bulls, was not just another enthusiast but a prominent figure in the Maharashtra State Bullock Cart Association, where he served as President. Adorned in several kilos of gold jewelry, he made a striking presence wherever he went, earning him the moniker 'Goldman' throughout the state.
His passion for the sport was unmatched, with Phadke owning over 40 racing bulls and actively participating in races across Maharashtra. Despite the government's ban on bullock cart racing, his efforts to revive the sport remained unwavering.
At every race event, Phadke's entrance was nothing short of explosive, capturing the attention of all present with his extravagant style and glistening gold adornments. His keen eye for talent extended beyond the track, as he meticulously selected winning bulls to add to his collection, including the famed Badal bull, considered the best in Maharashtra.
The news of Phadke's demise has sent shockwaves through the Maharashtra State Bullock Cart Association and his family, marking the end of an era in the state's racing circuit. As Maharashtra mourns the loss of its beloved 'Goldman,' Phadke's legacy as a passionate bull racing enthusiast and a symbol of flamboyance and extravagance will forever be remembered.