The alert was raised by a diligent railway station sweeper who noticed suspicious packages at Kalyan West Flat No.1. Upon inspection by officials including Kalyan Railway Division Deputy Commissioner Manoj Patil, Kalyan Circle Deputy Commissioner of Police Sachin Gunjal, and Lohmarg Police Station Senior Police Inspector Pandharinath Kande, both boxes were found to contain explosives, leading to their immediate seizure.
In response to the discovery, a police dog team was swiftly deployed to ensure thorough examination of the boxes. While these explosives, typically used in mining quarries for activities like blasting tunnels and digging wells, require a triggering mechanism, authorities remain vigilant as they investigate the motive behind bringing them to the railway station.
Deputy Commissioner Manoj Patil of Lohmarg Police Station emphasized the ongoing investigation into the matter. He suggested that a potential scenario could involve a businessman purchasing the explosives and intending to transport them via local trains from Kalyan railway station. However, the exact motives and individuals behind this concerning discovery are yet to be determined.
The incident has raised concerns about security measures at railway stations and underscores the importance of vigilant monitoring to prevent any untoward incidents. As investigations continue, authorities remain committed to ensuring the safety and security of commuters and the general public.