Mumbai: In a dramatic turn of events, Manoj Jarange Patil, a prominent figure in the Maratha quota agitation, has ended his 17-day hunger strike and retreated from Jalna district amidst a backdrop of heightened tension and arson incidents. This development comes as the state government takes a strict stance against Jarange's allegations and agitation, resulting in arrests and curfew imposition in certain areas.
Jarange, who had accused Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis of conspiracy to murder, departed for Mumbai on Sunday, sparking a flurry of activity. However, Chief Minister Eknath Shinde and both Deputy Chief Ministers swiftly instructed law enforcement agencies to maintain order, leading to arrests and curfew enforcement.
The withdrawal of Jarange from Bhamberi village in Ambad taluka of Jalna signifies a temporary pause in the agitation. Jarange, addressing supporters upon his retreat, announced the end of his hunger strike and pledged to continue the struggle through a chain hunger strike at Antarwali Sarati. Emphasizing their demand for reservation under the 'Sagesoyre' notification, Jarange urged the government to act on their demands promptly.
Meanwhile, the state has witnessed incidents of violence, including the torching of an ST bus in Tirthpuri village of Ambad taluka. In response, internet services have been suspended in Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar, Beed, and Jalna districts, disrupting normal life.
The government's crackdown on Jarange and his supporters has led to the registration of numerous cases, with Superintendent of Police Nand Kumar Thakur confirming charges against Jarange for inciting road blockades.
As tensions simmer, political exchanges have intensified, with Chief Minister Shinde and Congress state president Nana Patole engaging in a war of words during the legislative session. Patole questioned the government's handling of the situation, prompting Shinde to assert that necessary measures would be taken when the situation goes "out of bounds."
Jarange, while suspending his fast, called for the withdrawal of charges against protesters and urged both Shinde and Fadnavis to heed the concerns of the Maratha community to prevent further discord.
The unfolding events underscore the delicate balance between public agitation and government response, highlighting the ongoing challenges in addressing the demands of marginalized communities in Maharashtra.