The BJP's ambition to secure over 370 seats in the Lok Sabha underscores its commitment to strategic candidate selection. Following the 'Jinkel Aye Kandathi' formula, the party announced its candidates in the first list, prioritizing winning probabilities. A crucial Central Election Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday evening, where the second list of candidates, particularly from Maharashtra, Bihar, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh, will be unveiled. Once again, the focus will be on candidates who can ensure victory.
In Maharashtra, where out of 48 seats, BJP aims to contest 32 to 36 seats, negotiations with the Shinde and Pawar factions have hit roadblocks. Despite demands for 13 seats by the Shinde group and 10 seats by the Ajit Pawar group, BJP remains steadfast in prioritizing winnability over accommodating allies' requests. Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, and Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar are expected to reconvene in Delhi in the coming days to further discuss seat allocations.
With the electoral landscape shifting, particularly with the weakening of Nitish Kumar's Janata Dal (NC) in Bihar, BJP is keen to avoid pitfalls and ensure a strong foundation in Maharashtra. Hence, the party's reluctance to concede additional seats to the Shinde and Pawar groups reflects its unwavering commitment to securing electoral victories.