Thane: In a significant development aimed at addressing long-standing grievances, the Thane District Housing Federation, Konkan Divisional Co-Registrar Co-operative Society, and Thane District Deputy Registrar Co-operative Society organized a Housing Court on Friday. The court, held at the Arya Krida Mandal auditorium in Gavdevi Maidan, saw immediate resolutions to 110 out of 120 pending housing complaints in Thane district, marking a milestone in resolving issues that have lingered for years.
A team led by Deputy Registrars for each taluka conducted hearings and swiftly disposed of each complaint. The complaints covered a range of issues including flat registration, leakage problems, and officials failing to issue objection certificates, among others. The decision on these complaints will be communicated to the complainants and housing societies within the next eight days, with discussions ongoing for the remaining 10 cases.
The event witnessed the participation of hundreds of individuals from nine talukas of Thane district, reflecting the widespread need for redressal of housing-related grievances. Milind Bhalerao, Konkan Divisional Joint Registrar, highlighted the importance of addressing complaints promptly and emphasized the need to hold such housing courts regularly to mitigate the accumulation of pending complaints.
One recurring issue highlighted during the proceedings was the negligence of administrators appointed in housing societies, who often overlook the concerns of members. Sitaram Rane, President of the Housing Federation, stressed the necessity of providing training to administrators and advocated for the appointment of governing bodies comprising society members instead of administrators.
In line with efforts to promote public awareness, the housing court also aimed to educate the public about the government's "Cooperation Dialogue" campaign, encouraging housing organizations and members to file complaints online through the portal. Additionally, plans are underway to conduct workshops for administrators appointed in societies to enhance their understanding of their responsibilities and improve efficiency.
District Deputy Registrar Dr. Kishore Mande expressed his intention to hold such housing courts every three months to address pending complaints more effectively and ensure timely resolutions for housing-related issues in Thane district.
The successful resolution of a significant number of pending complaints underscores the commitment of authorities to address the concerns of residents and promote transparency and accountability in the housing sector.